At the Capitol: Feb. 26 - March 1
For the third week of session, there is a common theme for the House and Senate agriculture committees: nitrates in groundwater. Last year, there was a petition to the EPA to supersede the state departments’ authority to monitor and address water quality concerns in the Karst region of southeast Minnesota. In response, the Minnesota Departments of Health, Agriculture, and Pollution Control wrote a response letter to the EPA explaining the extensive efforts and farm practices that were already in place to address the situation. The state departments also introduced a three step Workplan to further assist in the situation. In response, the legislature has decided to have several hearings from the state departments, ag industry specialists, ag leaders, and interested groups on the topic of nitrates.
On Wednesday, Public Policy Specialist Loren Dauer testified in support of SF 3719 which would expand the Agricultural Fertilizer Research and Education Council through 2035. MFBF President Dan Glessing spoke to the ingenuity of farmers and their ability to implement practices, adjust applications, and be economically sound. He also testified against HF 4135 which increased the fertilizer inspection fee and introduced a new fertilizer fee for a private well assistance program to address high nitrate levels. As always, we will work with legislators to provide them the positions and priorities of our members.
Bills this week:
HF 3411 (Fischer)/SF 3719 (Putnam) - Minnesota Agricultural Fertilizer Research and Education Council (AFREC) extension and agricultural fertilizer research and education account fee creation.
MFBF Position: Support
Bill Summary: Extends the Minnesota Agricultural Fertilizer Research and Education Council and fees associated with the council through 2035.
Impact on our Members and Agriculture: This is a farmer-led program that advances soil fertility research, technology development, and education.
Action taken by MFBF: Verbal testimony in committee by Loren Dauer:
Status: Laid over in the Senate Agriculture Committee on 2/28/24. Not heard in House.
HF 4135 (Hansen)/SF 4311 (Klein) - Agricultural fertilizer research fee and program extension; drinking-water fee for nitrogen and a private well drinking-water assistance program establishment; testing of biosolids for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances requirement; appropriating money.
MFBF Position: Oppose
Bill Summary: This bill raises the fertilizer inspection fee to 44 cents per ton in FY 2025 and 70 cents in FY 2026 and thereafter. Creates an additional private well drinking-water fertilizer fee of 99 cents per ton and $1.39 per ton of anhydrous ammonia in FY 2026. The AFREC account would sunset in 2025. Requires testing of PFAS in biosolid fertilizer.
Impact on our Members and Agriculture: The significant fertilizer fee increase would incur huge expenses to our farmers at a time of low crop prices and slowing farm economy.
Action taken by MFBF: Written letter from 10 Southeast county Farm Bureaus to Agriculture Committee legislators. Verbal testimony by President Dan Glessing:
HF 3874 (Hansen)/SF 3867 (Morrison) - Administrative penalty order authority modified for enforcing public water and drainage dich buffer requirements, and certain lawns to legumes program data made private.
MFBF position: Oppose
Bill Summary: The bill would raise the penalty from $500 to $10,000 for noncompliance with the buffer strip law.
Impact on our Members and Agriculture: Over 95% of public waterways are in compliance with implementing buffer strips.
Action taken by MFBF: Notified legislators of our concern.
Status: Passed in House Environment Committee and re-referred to House Judiciary Committee on 2/29/24. Not heard in Senate.
HF 4163 (Norris)/SF 3528 (Gustafson) - Farm to school program requirements modification to include additional childcare facilities.
MFBF position: Support
Bill Summary: Includes childcare facilities for the AGRI program grants to purchase fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, grain, and dairy products.
Impact on our Members and Agriculture: This could grow the number of farmers participating in the farm to school program.
Status: Laid over in Senate Agriculture Committee on 2/28/24. Not heard in House.
HF XXXX (None)/SF 3404 (Putnam) - Agricultural Marketing and Development appropriation modification.
MFBF position: Support
Bill Summary: Allow for 6.5% of the grant to be used to administer the program.
Impact on our Members and Agriculture: More assistance to the department to administer grants.
Status: Amended, laid over in Senate Agriculture Committee on 2/28/24. Not heard in House.
HF 3859 (Lislegard)/SF 3952 (Hauschild) - Lower population density grant broadband program matching requirements modification.
MFBF position: Support
Bill Summary: Broadband grants may fund up to 90% of the total cost of a project.
Impact on our Members and Agriculture: The cost of installing broadband is expensive and this would cover more of the costs.
Status: Laid over in Senate Agriculture Committee on 2/28/24. Not heard in House.