
When it comes to advocacy, your voice is stronger when you're part of the Minnesota Farm Bureau.

large group of Farm Bureau members standing in front of Minnesota State Capitol

With policy constantly changing, having a respected voice at the table looking out for our membership makes all the difference.  

For more than 100 years, MFBF has been the trusted voice for Minnesota farm and ranch families. Our dynamic strength stems from our members at the grassroots level, brought together with elected officials, government agencies and others by our dedicated leadership and staff to address key issues in agriculture and find solutions to help farming and rural Minnesota thrive. The grassroots policy development process helps amplify member's voices, and provide implementation of solutions that can make a difference. 

Contact your county Farm Bureau to learn more and how to get involved. Local issue surfacing meetings typically take place in the summer, before being voted on in the fall. Approved proposals are advanced to the state level at the MFBF Annual Meeting, where they are acted on by the voting delegates to guide Farm Bureau on our legislative actions for the upcoming year.

2024 by the numbers:

  • During the last biennium, MFBF testified more than 70 times at the state Capitol
  • Day on the Hill welcomed over 150 members to St. Paul to share their stories
  • 100+ meetings were held with local and national policy makers
  • State board and staff members hold 30+ appointments on various working groups, taskforces and committees
  • 50+ tours were given by our members to elected officials and ag leaders
  • 25 members visited Washington D.C.  to meet with national legislators and other leaders