Why Join?
Membership is the lifeblood of the Farm Bureau.
Whether you live on a farm, ranch, in a small or big town, we all play are role in the consumption, production, processing or marketing of food, fiber, and fuel. Being a Farm Bureau member is an effective way to support the farmers and communities that produce the products your family uses every day.
When you join Farm Bureau, your annual membership dues are used for a wide variety of programs including but not limited to agricultural literacy resources, leadership development, and organizing events that help amplify the contributions of agriculture within a community and in the local economy. You'll also see our members giving back where they live, building strong communities to help rural Minnesota thrive now and for future generations.
Farm Bureau is a grassroots organization with a rich history of service to its members. Our mission is to serve as an advocate for agriculture driven by the policy and beliefs of our members. With nearly 30,000 member families and more than a century of service, Farm Bureau is a valued, effective, influential, and respected as the Voice of Agriculture. We are the state’s largest agricultural organization with 78 organized county or regional associations that provide the grassroots structure and represent farm owners who produce all of the state’s agricultural commodities, regardless of size, scope or location.