The first round of legislative deadlines have passed, and the legislature had a slow week with only two general floor sessions and many committees being canceled. With a recess for the Easter holiday starting on Wednesday, most legislators headed back to their districts. The legislature will reconvene on Tuesday, April 2. 

On Monday, we celebrated Women in Ag Day at the Capitol with several sessions as well as testimony from various farmers around the state in the Senate Agriculture Committee.  Governor Walz recognized the vital role women play in agriculture and so gave a proclamation commemorating the day. 

Bills of note this week:

HF 3493 (Pursell)/SF 3527 (Gustafson) - Manure management grants appropriation.
MFBF Position
: Support
Bill Summary: The bill would create a grant program for feedlots that implement manure management best practices and storage capabilities.
Impact on our Members and Agriculture: Additional resources for farmers to develop better manure management.
Status: Laid over in Senate Environment Committee on 3/26/24. Not heard in House. 

HF 4757 (Stephenson)/SF 4782 (Port) - Cannabis provisions modifications and appropriations.
MFBF Position
: Neutral 
Bill Summary: This is the Office of Cannabis Management policy bill.
Status: Referred to Senate State Gov Committee on 3/25/24. Heard in House Commerce Committee on 3/22/24.