Chris Radatz, Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) executive director, recently announced his plans to retire June 1. He has served as executive director since July 2013. The Minnesota Farm Bureau extends its congratulations and gratitude for Chris’s dedication to the Farm Bureau organization and Farm Bureau members.

After joining Farm Bureau in 1976, Radatz served in a variety of capacities for MFBF ranging from field staff, young farmers program coordinator, field services division director, director of the marketing and commodity services division, and public policy director.

“The one constant in working in those positions is the great people I have gotten to know and work with. Thank you for the confidence and faith you placed in me in my career with Farm Bureau. Your support and guidance has been invaluable,” said Radatz. “As Senator Pat Roberts said at the recent American Farm Bureau Convention, “I plan to sprint to the finish,” and do whatever I can to assist in the upcoming transition.”

“During my time with Farm Bureau, I have seen a lot of change in agriculture. Farm Bureau has continued to address these changes and be a positive voice for agriculture and rural communities,” said Radatz. “I have always appreciated how Farm Bureau works to bring people together for positive solutions.”

Chris was born and raised on a dairy farm in Winona County, graduated from Lewiston-Altura High School and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in agriculture at the University of Wisconsin – River Falls. Chris and his wife, Mary, live in Elko-New Market. They have three children,10 grandchildren and one great grandchild.

For more information on the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) executive director position log onto Inquiries may also be made to the MFBF President, Kevin Paap, at 507-327-4555 or or Chris Radatz, executive director, at 651-768-2104 or