Applications are now open for the annual Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) leadership contests.  The Excellence in Agriculture Award and Achievement Award provides the next generation of agriculture leaders opportunities to showcase their achievements while growing their skillsets and networks.  

Applications are available on the website, and close on Sept. 15, 2022. Selected applicants will present their achievements at the Minnesota Farm Bureau Annual Meeting in November, with winners advancing to take part in the national competition as part of the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Annual Convention in Puerto Rico in January, 2023. Winners also receive a cash prize, paid registration to attend the 2023 MFBF LEAP Conference, and a trip to D.C. as part of the Farmers to D.C. program. 

The YF&R Excellence in Agriculture Award recognizes young farmers and ranchers for their contributions and involvement in Farm Bureau and agriculture. Participants are evaluated on their involvement in agriculture, leadership ability and involvement in Farm Bureau and other organizations. The ideal candidate(s) for the Excellence in Agriculture Award is an individual or couple who does not have the majority of his/her gross income subject to normal production risk.

The YF&R Achievement Award recognizes young farmers and ranchers for their achievements in production agriculture and leadership. The ideal candidate(s) for the Achievement Award is an individual or couple involved in production agriculture with a majority of his/her gross income subject to farm and/or ranch risks.