The Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) recognized those who recruited new members to the organization in 2024 at the 106th Annual Meeting on November 22 in Minnetonka. 


MFBF Membership Award Recipients

Current MFBF members who recruited five or more members last year were named to the Producers Club. They include: Ron Nelson (Chisago County), Robin Kinney (Hennepin County), Tiffany Kobbermann (Pope County), Jill Nelson (Brown County), Shelby Radke (Beltrami County), Ashle Benson (McLeod County), Rosanne Caughey (Crow Wing County), Kevin Dahlman (Wright County), Miles Kuschel (Cass County), Adam Visser (Norman County), Cory Ahrens (Kandiyohi County), Peter Bakken (Rock County), Jessie Bester (Dakota County), Nathan Collins (Swift County), Linda Dreher (Koochiching County), Katie Drewitz (Fillmore County), Nathan Drewitz (Fillmore County), David Engelbrecht (Watonwan County),   Theresia Gillie (Kittson County), Dan Glessing (Wright County), Rosemary Gustafson (Beltrami County), Shayne Isane (Northwest Regional), Dave Johnson (Rice County), Leah Johnson (Grant County), Matt Johnson (Meeker County), Jacob Kral (Faribault County), Joann Lawrence (Anoka County), Brady Lee (East Otter Tail County), Heather Lindula (Arrowhead Regional), Virginia Magyar (Wabasha County), Bruce Mathiowetz (Scott County), Ruth Meirick (Dodge County), Fran Miron (Washington/Ramsey County), Carolyn Olson (Lyon County), Charlie Padula (Anoka County), Jeff Pagel (Olmsted County), Charlie Radman (Dakota County), Bryan Ramsrud (Headwaters Regional), Robert Roelofs (Blue Earth County), Kari Rupp (Lincoln County), Dennis Sabel (Dakota County), Karin Schaefer (Wright County), Steven Schoenfeld (Waseca County), Doug Schultz (Nicollet County), Joe Sullivan (Renville County),  Dylan Swensrud (Pope County), Brittney Tiede (LeSueur County), Kristi Uhlig (Clay County), Ann Marie Ward Bakken (Rock County), Joyce Welander (Washington/Ramsey County), and Scott Winslow (Fillmore County). 


Farm Bureau Financial Services Membership Recruiters

Farm Bureau Financial Services (FBFS) agents were also recognized for their contributions to Farm Bureau membership recruitment during the last year.


Receiving the Top Builder Award as the agent who signed the most members was Zach Gerdes of the North Star District. 


Elite Award recipients signed 75 or more members, and include: Michael Niedzielski (North Star District), 

Brett Carlson (North Star District), Daniel Pumper (Eagle Ridge District), Ryan Elbert (North Star District), 

Paul Chapman (North Star District), Kevin Christoffers (Frontier District), Andrew Floerke (North Star District), Chase Carlson (North Star District), and Dale Meyer (Eagle Ridge District). 


The Builders Club, which recognizes agents who signed more than 50 new members, included: Jessica Filipek (Metro North District), Michelle Beck (North Star District), Steve Jansen (Eagle Ridge District), Corey Madrid (Eagle Ridge District), Scott Evans (Eagle Ridge District), Scott Fransen (Frontier District), Matthew Hemker (Eagle Ridge District), Tyann Hall-Marcy (Frontier District), Suemaya Azadi (Eagle Ridge District), Scott Conrad (Metro North District), Adam Tabberson (North Star District), Monte Dufault (Eagle Ridge District), Tami Kraft (Metro North District), and Dana Holonen (Metro North District). 


The District of the Year, recognizing the district that had the highest average of new Farm Bureau members signed per agent went to the North Star District and manager Kellan Jordan.