The National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization (NAITCO) recently announced eight teachers from across the country that were selected for its annual National Excellence in Teaching about Agriculture Award, and Carrie Allord of Brainerd was recognized as one of the recipients. 

Allord, a third-grade teacher at St. Francis Catholic School, brings agriculture to life through a variety of experiences for her students. From classroom hens that lay fresh eggs, to farm tours, farmers class visits, and hands-on agriculture activities, students are exposed to a variety of agricultural topics as they meet educational standards through the journey of agriculture in the classroom.

Allord is also a member of the Crow Wing County Farm Bureau, where she serves as secretary and Promotion & Education (P&E) Chair.

U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA) and Farm Credit partner each year to honor teachers in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade (Pre-K-12) from around the country for the innovative ways they use agricultural concepts to teach reading, writing, math, science, social studies, STEM, STEAM and more.

"National Agriculture in the Classroom is honored to recognize and celebrate these talented teachers for their innovative approach to teaching core academic concepts through the lens of food and agriculture," said Katie Carpenter, president of NAIYTCO and director of New York Agriculture in the Classroom. "Their effort to provide authentic learning experiences for their students is critical to creating an agriculturally literate generation who understands and appreciates the source and value of agriculture in their daily lives."