At the Capitol: February 10-14
Activity at the state Capitol is finally in full swing. After convening and organizing last week, the House hit the ground running with committee hearings this week. The House Agriculture Committee heard presentations on sustainable aviation fuel, milk processing and wastewater, broadband, and the state of rural Minnesota. The House Environment Committee heard updates on gas resource permitting development and PFAS, as well as legislation to streamline the environmental permitting process.
The Senate Agriculture Committee heard bills funding the Forever Green Initiative, the Agricultural Utilization Research Institute, and the Farm Business Management programs. Bills requesting Legacy Fund dollars were heard in the Senate Environmental Committee.
With the delayed start of session for the House, committee activity is expected to continue at a rapid pace as the Legislature works to assemble a balanced budget before adjourning in May.
Bills this week:
HF 8 (Heintzeman)/SF 577 (Eichorn) – Efficiency of Wetland Conservation Act determinations improved, permitting efficiency reporting requirements modified, permit application process improved, Pollution Control Agency permit provisions modified, environmental assessment worksheet provisions modified, and money appropriated.
Summary: Streamlines the environmental permitting process through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and Environmental Quality Board (EQB). Shortens timeline for local governments to make Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) determinations.
Position: Support as written.
To our members: Inefficiencies with environmental permitting have resulted in Minnesota losing out on economic opportunities to neighboring states. Streamlining the permitting process will make Minnesota’s business and economic environment more competitive and help to retain businesses that already call Minnesota home.
Action taken by MFBF: Joined the Environmental Permitting Reform Coalition and signed onto a letter of support.
Status: Passed the House Environment Committee on 02/13/2025 and sent to the Workforce, Labor, and Economic Development Committee. Introduced in the Senate and referred to the Environment Committee on 01/23/2025.
HF 170 (Davids)/SF 953 (Nelson) – Ten-year phaseout of the estate tax.
Summary: Phases out Minnesota’s estate tax over the next ten years.
Position: Support as written.
To our members: Estate taxes are a particular concern for farmers and ranchers because they are based on the market value of assets; given the consistent appreciation in agricultural land and assets, market value can be very high for farm and ranch families. Eliminating the estate tax will protect family farms and could help prevent further consolidation in agriculture.
Action taken by MFBF: Provided verbal testimony in support of the bill.
Status: Laid over in the House Taxes Committee on 02/13/2025. Introduced in the Senate and referred to the Taxes Committee on 02/03/2025.
SF 861 (Frentz)/HF 114 (Lillie) – County fairs appropriation
Summary: Appropriates money from the Legacy fund for grants to county Ag Societies for county fairs.
Position: Support as written.
To our members: County fairs are a wonderful opportunity to promote agriculture and bring people together with food, music, arts, and history—including Minnesota’s rich agricultural history. Legacy funding has helped support county fairs for the last decade.
Action taken by MFBF: Provided verbal testimony in support of the bill.
Status: Laid over in the Senate Environment Committee on 02/11/2025. Introduced in the House and referred to the Legacy Committee on 02/10/2025.
SF 934 (Kupec)/HF XXXX – Agricultural Utilization Research Institute appropriation
Summary: Appropriates money to the Agricultural Utilization Research Institute (AURI) for a cost-of-living adjustment.
Position: Support as written.
To our members: AURI conducts research and development for value-added agriculture and works with entrepreneurs to scale and commercialize new products. MFBF appreciates their efforts to find new uses for agricultural products. Value-added products provide new opportunities for farmers and help grow Minnesota’s agricultural economy.
Action taken by MFBF: Provided verbal testimony in support of the bill.
Status: Laid over in the Senate Agriculture Committee on 02/12/2025. Not yet introduced in the House.
SF 1178 (Kupec)/HF 653 (Nelson) - Money transferal into the agriculture research, education, extension, and technology transfer (AGREETT) account.
Summary: Provides funding for the whole AGREETT program and increases funding for Farm Business Management (FBM) challenge grants.
Position: Support as written.
To our members: FBM instructors help farmers improve their business management skills and ultimately preserve family farms. Increased funding will help to hire more FBM instructors and ensure stability and longevity of existing faculty.
Action taken by MFBF: Provided verbal testimony in support of the bill.
Status: Laid over in the Senate Agriculture Committee on 02/12/2025. Introduced in the House and referred to the Agriculture Committee on 02/13/2025.
SF 1220 (Seeberger)/HF 525 (Anderson, P. H.) - University of Minnesota Forever Green Initiative money transfer provision.
Summary: Appropriates funding to the Forever Green Initiative to continue research and development of novel winter-hardy annual and perennial crops that improve soil health and water quality. Also includes funding for market development and commercialization grants.
Position: Support as written and amended.
To our members: Aside from improving soil health and water quality, Forever Green crops provide potential economic opportunities. Some are high in oil content and show promise as feedstocks for sustainable aviation fuel, while others can be made into food products, including alcoholic beverages.
Status: Laid over as amended in the Senate Agriculture Committee on 02/12/2025. Introduced in the House and referred to the Agriculture Committee on 02/13/2025.
The MFBF public policy team and leadership are keeping track of everything that happens at the Capitol. Throughout the session, we will continue to provide updates and insight into our work on behalf of our members.