The Minnesota House of Representatives passed its first several bills this week. HF 72 (Engen) would prohibit organizations that receive state funding from making political contributions or expending money for political purposes. The bill passed 130-3 and now goes to the Senate. The body also passed HF 289 (Quam) on a 133-0 vote. The bill would create the Strategic Allocation and Value Initiative (SAVI) program, allowing state agencies to reinvest cost savings into projects boosting agency efficiency.

Two bills failed to pass the House, both along party lines. HF 14 (Robbins) proposed a moratorium on light rail expansion, while HF 21 (Robbins) sought to require supermajority legislative approval of a peacetime emergency longer than 14 days.

The House Agriculture Committee considered legislation modifying financial reporting requirements for grain buyers, as well as funding for wolf and elk depredation payments, the agricultural emergency account, and the Board of Animal Health. The Senate Agriculture Committee heard bills funding wolf and elk depredation payments, avian influenza prevention grants, and grants to companies that produce agriculturally-based products as a replacement for products with PFAS.

Bills this week:

HF 271 (Burkel)/SF 469 (Johnson– Wolf and elk depredation payments appropriation.

Summary: Provides funding in the upcoming budget cycle for wolf and elk depredation payments to producers for losses of livestock, crops, and fencing.

Position: Support as written.

To our members: Despite Minnesota having more wolves than the rest of the lower 48 states combined, there is ongoing State interest in expanding both the wolf and elk populations. If the State chooses to maintain or grow these populations, is only fair that funding for depredation payments is commensurate to ensure farmers and ranchers are fairly compensated for losses of livestock, crops, and fencing.

Action taken by MFBF: Provided verbal testimony in support of the bill.

Status: Laid over in the House Agriculture Committee on 02/26/2025. Laid over in the Senate Agriculture Committee on 02/26/2025.


HF 601 (Burkel)/SF 1647 (Johnson) – Wolf and elk depredation payments appropriation.

Summary: Provides money in the current fiscal year to cover the funding shortfall for wolf and elk depredation payments.

Position: Support as written.

To our members: The Minnesota Department of Agriculture has already depleted its funds for depredation payments in the current fiscal year, which ends June 30. This bill would cover the funding shortfall and allow MDA to resume payments before July 1.

Action taken by MFBF: Provided verbal testimony in support of the bill.

Status: Passed the House Agriculture Committee and sent to the Ways and Means Committee on 02/26/2025. Introduced in the Senate and referred to the Agriculture Committee on 02/20/2025.


HF 979 (Anderson, P. H.)/SF 1540 (Putnam) – Board of Animal Health appropriation.

Summary: Appropriates funds to the Board of Animal Health to carry out the Board’s statutory duties.

Position: Support as written.

To our members: With the constant and ever evolving threats of avian influenza and other animal diseases, the Board of Animal Health needs robust financial support for personnel and resources to ensure that Minnesota’s agricultural industry remains prepared in the face of animal health challenges.

Action taken by MFBF: Provided verbal testimony in support of the bill.

Status: Passed the House Agriculture Committee and sent to the Ways and Means Committee on 02/26/2025. Introduced in the Senate and referred to the Agriculture Committee on 02/17/2025.


HF 1101 (Anderson, P.H.)/SF XXXX - Money transferred from the general fund to the agricultural emergency account.

Summary: Appropriates money to the agricultural emergency account under the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and the Board of Animal Health.

Position: Support as written.

To our members: The agricultural emergency account serves as a crucial financial resource in times of crisis, enabling a swift and coordinated response to animal health emergencies. Without sufficient funds in this account, Minnesota risks delays in disease containment, increased economic losses for farmers, and potential threats to public health.

Action taken by MFBF: Provided verbal testimony in support of the bill.

Status: Laid over in the House Agriculture Committee on 02/26/2025. Not yet introduced in the Senate.


SF 1312 (Rest)/HF 1669 (Davids) - Allocation increase for the credit for sustainable aviation fuel.

Summary: Increases Minnesota’s existing tax credit for production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

Position: Support as amended.

To our members: The production of SAF provides a promising market for the crops and feedstocks that our farmers produce right here in Minnesota. Scaling and expanding SAF production has strong potential to foster additional demand for these commodities, strengthening farm income and rural economies.

Status: Passed the Senate Taxes Committee as amended and sent to the Senate Floor on 02/27/2025. Introduced in the House and referred to the Taxes Committee on 02/27/2025.


SF 1839 (Putnam)/HF 1503 (Burkel) - Program establishment to provide grants to prevent the spread of avian influenza.

Summary: Establishes and funds a grant program to poultry producers for the installation of measures to prevent the spread of avian influenza, such as lasers or visual deterrents.

Position: Support as amended.

To our members: As the number one turkey-producing state, preventing the spread of avian influenza is critical for poultry producers and our agricultural economy. Lasers and lighting systems have proven successful at keeping wild birds away from domestic poultry and this program financially assists producers in acquiring such equipment.

Status: Laid over in the Senate Agriculture Committee on 02/26/2025. Introduced in the House and referred to the Agriculture Committee on 02/26/2025.