University of Minnesota Extension Educator Dr. Eric Mousel was named the 2023 Minnesota Farm Bureau Extension Educator of the Year during the organization’s 105th Annual Meeting on Nov. 17 in Bloomington.

For the past 11 years, Dr. Mousel has led the way at the University of Minnesota North Central Research and Outreach Center in Grand Rapids. He maintains an active focus and vision to continually provide and improve educational programs and networking opportunities for beef industry producers to increase their skills and abilities in production, economics, and policy issues, allowing them to remain a viable part of the agricultural economy. During his tenure he has hosted field days, facility tours, research education and outreach, and has given beef producers a valuable resource as they look for ways to expand their operations.

Dr. Mousel is  active with the Farm Bureau organization, serving on the Arrowhead Regional Farm Bureau Board of Directors and various committees. He is also a supporter of the area’s district meeting, and has assisted neighboring county and regional Farm Bureaus with strategic planning, serving as a featured speaker, and lending other expertise.

He is also an active member of the Minnesota Cattlemen’s Association, Minnesota Grazing Lands Conservation Association, Midwest Forage Association, American Forage and Grassland Council and Society for Range Management.