Dustin and Katie Wiese of Cass County have been appointed to the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Young Farmers and Ranchers (YF&R) Committee. Their 2025-2027 term will begin in March at the AFBF Fusion Conference in Denver.

The Wieses run a fourth-generation ranch where they have one of the largest registered Angus herds in the state. They also host Minnesota's longest-established production sale, which will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2025. In addition to cattle, the couple also raises crops and runs a fencing company.

Dustin and Katie are heavily involved in Farm Bureau. Dustin currently serves at the Cass County Farm Bureau President, and both were on the state YF&R Committee, with Katie serving as chair in 2023.

The AFBF YF&R Committee is made up of 16 positions representing all regions of the U.S. An individual or couple may hold each committee appointment. Committee members are responsible for program planning, coordinating YF&R competitive events during the AFBF convention each January, and serving as representatives for the organization and agriculture.

Also announced to the YF&R Committee for the 2025-27 term were: Cleveland Jackson (Georgia), Scot Schwieterman (Kansas), Rachel Duncan (Louisiana),Cora Okkema (Michigan), Tommy Salisbury (Oklahoma) and Jonathan Quigley (Washington).