Farm Bureau Gives Back
Each year during the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) Annual Meeting, the organization encourages its members to take part in a service project to give back to the local host community.
This year, the Promotion & Education (P&E) Committee chose Normandale Hills Elementary School in Bloomington for its Warm Hearts service project. Members could donate new winter clothing items or monetary donations to give to the school, or make a donation in their own communities.
On Dec. 7, MFBF staff presented Normandale Hills Elementary Principal Andrew Vollmuth and students with winter gear and over $750 to help keep kids in their community warm this winter.
“We appreciate the Minnesota Farm Bureau and their generous donation to our school,” said Vollmuth. “These items will go far in making sure our students are properly dressed for the winter months and can enjoy playing with their friends outside.”