Finalists for the 2022 Achievement Award Revealed
Three finalists in the 2022 Minnesota Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) Achievement Award competition were recently announced. The competition will take place during the Minnesota Farm Bureau Annual Meeting, Nov. 17-19 in Bloomington.
Taking part this year are:
David and Michaela Ehlers, Grant County
David and Michaela are members of Grant County Farm Bureau, and both currently have leadership roles on their county board of directors. They raise corn and soybeans and also grow parent seed soybeans for a local company.
Nathan and Lay Sahr, Faribault County
Nathan and Lay are active members of Faribault County Farm Bureau, serving on the county board of directors. They are the fifth generation of their family’s dairy and crop farm, and have expanded their personal operation by raising replacement heifers for the dairy.
Staci Sexton, Wabasha County
Staci is a member of Wabasha County Farm Bureau and is a dedicated volunteer for their events. She raises dairy cattle and over the past few years has worked to to grow and diversify her operation.
The Achievement Award highlights efforts in production farming and leadership achievement. Contestants are evaluated on a combination of their farming operation growth and financial progress of operation, Farm Bureau leadership, as well as leadership outside of Farm Bureau.