Dan Glessing of Waverly (Wright County) was re-elected to serve a two-year term as president of the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation Board of Directors during the organization’s annual meeting on November 17.

“It is an honor to be re-elected as president of the Minnesota Farm Bureau,” said Glessing. “I'm proud to represent our members and the work they do across the state to not only represent our organization but also agriculture.”

Also returning to the board to serve three-year terms are Peter Bakken (Rock County) representing District 3, Nathan Collins (Swift County) representing District 4, and Shayne Isane (Northwest Regional – Roseau County) representing District 7. Elected to complete one year of a three-year term vacated by former MFBF District 1 Director Keith Allen was Jeff Pagel of Olmsted County.  

Newly elected members to the board serving one-year terms are Steven Schoenfeld of Waseca County as the Promotion & Education Committee Chair and Jessie Bester of Dakota County as the Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee Chair.

Retiring Board Members 

Completing their one-year terms on the MFBF Board of Directors were Cindy Durheim of Pine County and Katie Wiese of Cass County. Durheim served as the chair of the Promotion & Education Committee, while Wiese was the chair of the Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee. Former District 1 Director Keith Allen was also recognized for his time on the board from 2015-2023.