Kristy Miron of Hugo won the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) Young Farmers & Ranchers Excellence in Agriculture competition, held during the MFBF 104th Annual Meeting Nov. 17-19 in Bloomington.

The Excellence in Agriculture Award is designed as an opportunity for young farmers and ranchers to earn recognition, while actively contributing and growing through their involvement in Farm Bureau and agriculture. Participants are judged on their involvement in agriculture, leadership ability, and involvement/participation in Farm Bureau and other organizations.

Miron advances to represent Minnesota at the national Young Farmers & Ranchers Excellence in Agriculture competition, held during the American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Convention Jan. 6-10 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. They also receive a $500 cash award, an opportunity to participate in a MFBF Farmers to D.C. trip, and registration and lodging for the 2023 MFBF LEAP Conference.

Kristy is a member of Washington-Ramsey County Farm Bureau and currently serves as the Young Farmers & Ranchers chair. Kristy and her husband Paul raise three children on their family’s dairy farm and she is proud to weave faith, family and farming into everything they do.

Other finalists were Rachel Connell of Cass County and Katie and Nathan Drewitz of Fillmore County.