The Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) recognized those who recruited new members to the organization in 2023 at the 105th Annual Meeting on November 17 in Bloomington.

MFBF Membership Award Recipients

Five individuals were recognized as the top new member recruiters to the organization. Congratulations to Dan Glessing (Wright County), Jill Nelson (Brown County), Ron Nelson (Chisago County), Jeff Pagel (Olmsted Couty), Doug Schultz (Nicollet County), and Joyce Welander (Washington/Ramsey County).

Ron Nelson was also recognized for recruiting over 500 members in his time with Farm Bureau. 

Current MFBF members who recruited five or more members last year were also honored as members of the Producers Club. They include: Lori Aarke (Clay), Pete Bakken (Rock), Ashle Benson (McLeod), Rosanne Caughey (Crow Wing), Nathan Collins (Swift), Katie Drewitz (Fillmore), Cindy Durheim (Pine), Russ Elmer (Faribault), David Engelbrecht (Watonwan), John Gilbertson Jr. (Beltrami), Angela Guentzel (LeSueur), Ashley Heng (Clay), Shayne Isane (NW Regional), Dave Johnson (Rice), Caitlin Keck (Steele), Jason Keck (Steele), Robin Kinney (Hennepin), Tiffany Kobberman (Pope), Miles Kuschel (Cass), Erin Larson (Swift), Larry Larson (Mower), Virginia Magyar (Wabasha), Dan Manz (Wright), Ruth Meirick (Dodge), Fran Miron (Washington/Ramsey), Kayla Mistic (Beltrami), Hannah Molitor (Stearns), Ed Nelson (Arrowhead), Carolyn Olson (Lyon), Robert Roelofs (Blue Earth), Carl Sackreiter (Winona), Karin Schaefer (Wright), Steven Schoenfeld (Waseca), Chantelle Seykora (Freeborn), Cheryl Tyrrell (Todd), Ann Marie Ward (Beltrami), Katie Wiese (Cass) and Scott Winslow (Fillmore).

Farm Bureau Financial Services Membership Recruiters

Farm Bureau Financial Services (FBFS) agents were also recognized for their contributions to Farm Bureau membership recruitment during the last year.

Receiving the Top Builder Award as the agent who signed the most members was Brett Carlson of the Great North Agency.

Elite Award recipients signed 75 or more members, and include: Suemaya Azadi (Eagle Ridge Agency), Chase Carlson (Great North Agency), Paul Chapman (North Star Agency), Ryan Elbert (North Star Agency), Andrew Floerke (Great North Agency), Zach Gerdes (Frontier Agency), Dale Meyer (Eagle Ridge Agency), Michael Niedzielski (North Star Agency), and Dan Pumper (Eagle Ridge Agency). 

The Builders Club, which recognizes agents who signed more than 50 new members, included: Michelle Beck (Great North Agency), Kevin Christoffers (North Star Agency), Taylor Edwards (North Star Agency), Scott Evans (Eagle Ridge Agency), Scott Fransen (Frontier Agency), Dana Halonen (North Star Agency), Matthew Hemker (Eagle Ridge Agency), Steve Jansen (Eagle Ridge Agency), Tami Kraft (North Star Agency), Corey Madrid (Eagle Ridge Agency), Misty Servaty (North Star Agency), and Adam Tabberson (North Star Agency).

The Agency of the Year, recognizing the agency that had the highest average of new Farm Bureau members signed per agent went to the North Star Agency.