Members Travel to Washington D.C. for Spring Farmers to D.C. Trip
MFBF members journeyed to our Nation’s Capitol from March 11-14, to share their agriculture story with policymakers.
Conversations were focused on the 2023 farm bill, Prop 12 and conservation programs.
Those who participated in this trip included Minnesota Farm Bureau President Dan Glessing (Wright County), Minnesota Farm Bureau Vice President Carolyn Olson (Lyon County), MFBF District 2 Director Robert Roelofs and members Joe Sullivan and his daughter Grace (Renville County), Doug and TaLana Mathiowetz and their children Tanner and Collette (Redwood County), Katie Saterbak (Swift County), Brittany VanDerBill (Kandiyohi County), Cory Ahrens (Kandiyohi County), Steve Schoenfeld (Waseca County), Dan Roberts (Blue Earth County), and MFBF Staff, Pierce Bennett and Emma Wielinski.
Thank you to the members who joined on this trip! The next Farmers to D.C. Trip will be hosted this coming September.