The Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation was able to donate hundreds of requested items in addition to $3,200 to Farm in the Dell of the Red River Valley as part of its annual service project during the annual Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) Leadership, Education, Advocacy and Promotion (LEAP) Conference. 

MFBF members donated garden gloves, sunscreen, bug spray, as well as giving monetarily to the cause. All items will be used by Farm in the Dell during its upcoming growing season. 

“We are grateful to the Minnesota Farm Bureau and their support of our mission,” said executive director Anna Sather during the conference. “The items we received today will go a long way in helping our community and the work it does.”

Farm in the Dell of the Red River Valley’s mission is to “transform disabilities into abilities” through purposeful work and life experiences in a community farm setting. They work closely with local families and agencies to connect individuals with purposeful work that fills their spirits, sharpens their minds, and cultivates joy.