The Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation was able to donate 381 pounds of food and over $1,400 to the Red Wing Area Food Shelf as part of its service project during the annual Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) Leadership, Education, Advocacy and Promotion (LEAP) Conference.

MFBF members donated some of the most need items for the food shelf and its community members, including cereal, peanut butter, and canned proteins and vegetables. 

The mission of the Red Wing Area Food Shelf is to “Secure and distribute nutritious food to individuals and households in need”. With every $1 donated, the Red Wing Area Food Shelf is able to buy about $3 worth of food at the Channel One Food Bank in Rochester, Minnesota. They also purchase food items from local retailers and are an all-volunteer organization. This meaning over 90% of all financial donations go directly securing food for our neighbors in need.