Young Farmers & Ranchers Competitions

Discussion Meet

The Farm Bureau Discussion Meet contest is designed to simulate a committee meeting where discussion and active participation are expected from each participant. This competition is evaluated on an exchange of ideas and information on a pre-determined topic. The judges are looking for the contestant that offers cooperation and communication while analyzing agricultural problems and developing solutions.

Watch this video to learn more about a Discussion Meet competition.

2024 Discussion Meet winner Megan Horsager holding award

2025 Minnesota YF&R Discussion Meet winner Megan Horsager of Chippewa County.


  • Preliminary rounds held during annual LEAP Conference
  • Top 8 advance to compete at the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation  Annual Meeting in November
  • Winner of the state competition moves on and represents Minnesota at the national competition at the AFBF Annual Convention 


The MFBF Discussion Meet winner will receive:

  • Transportation, lodging and registration costs covered to attend the national YF&R Discussion Meet competition, held during the American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Convention
  • Lodging and registration costs covered to attend the annual MFBF LEAP Conference
  • $1,000 cash award

Additionally, the Top 8 Discussion Meet finalists will have the opportunity to participate in a MFBF Farmers to Washington, D.C. trip.

AFBF Discussion Meet prizes will be announced by the organization prior to the national competition.

Excellence in Agriculture Award

The Farm Bureau Excellence in Agriculture Award Program is designed as an opportunity for young farmers and ranchers to earn recognition, while actively contributing and growing through their involvement in Farm Bureau and agriculture.

Participants will be judged on their involvement in agriculture, leadership ability, involvement and participation in Farm Bureau and other organizations (i.e., civic, service and community).

Watch this video to learn more about the award, and hear from past participants.

Excellence in Ag award winner Luke Daninger holding award

2025 Minnesota Excellence in Agriculture winner Luke Daninger of Washington/Ramsey County.


  • Applications are due by September 15
  • Presentations are given during the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation Annual Meeting in November
  • The winner advances to represent Minnesota at the national competition, held during the American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Convention


The MFBF Excellence in Agriculture winner will receive:

  • Transportation, lodging and registration costs covered to attend the national YF&R Excellence in Agriculture competition, held during the American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Convention
  • Lodging and registration costs covered to attend the annual MFBF LEAP Conference
  • Opportunity to participate in a MFBF Farmers to Washington, D.C. trip
  • $1,000 cash award

The second place finisher will receive a $250 cash award. 

Application and Rubric:

MFBF 2024-25 Excellence in Ag Application

2024-25 Excellence in Ag Presentation Rubric

2024-25 Excellence in Ag Application Rubric

Achievement Award

The Achievement Award highlights efforts in production farming and leadership achievement. 

The contestants will be evaluated on a combination of their farming operation growth and financial progress of operation, Farm Bureau leadership, as well as leadership outside of Farm Bureau. More specifically, the judges will be looking for excellence in management, growth and scope of the enterprise and self-initiative that have been displayed throughout the operation. A contestant’s participation in Farm Bureau and other organizations is a definite point-getter from the judges.

Watch this video to learn more about the achievement award and hear from past participants.

2025 Minnesota Excellence in Agriculture winners Dustin and Katie Wiese of Cass County.


  • Applications are due by September 15
  • Application review takes place during the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation Annual Meeting in November
  • The winner advances to represent Minnesota at the national competition, held during the American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Convention


The MFBF Achievement Award winner will receive:

  • Transportation, lodging and registration costs covered to attend the national YF&R Achievement Award competition, held during the American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Convention
  • Lodging and registration costs covered to attend the annual MFBF LEAP Conference
  • Opportunity to participate in a MFBF Farmers to Washington, D.C. trip
  • $1,000 cash award

The second place finisher will receive a $250 cash award. 

Application and Rubric:

MFBF 2024-25 Achievement Award Application

2024-25 Achievement Award Rubric